Nude lips, model-like hair, runway ready eyes and perfect lips are all the basics of the beauty world, the must haves, the essentials. We all want to create the beauty looks we see on the runway but we might not know how, or might not have the products that are quintessential to the look.
The following mini-tutorials skip the purchasing of the expensive products, but still have the same result that leave bystanders envious of your flawless hair and makeup. Most of these tutorials include household or basic make up items that can double up for multiple uses – so they’re perfect when caught off guard with minimal or no beauty products.

Nude lips
- Cover the lips in any type of foundation (either liquid or powder) or dab a few dots of concealer onto the bottom and top lip. Make sure you slightly cover the skin around your lip.
- Apply a clear lip-gloss over the top or using your finger; gently apply a pink lip-gloss if you have one handy and find that the nude is too pale.
The steps can be reversed however if you are using powder foundation as it can be just dabbed onto your lip-gloss covered lips. Regardless how you complete this tutorial, you should end up with perfectly nude lips that your product buying counterparts enjoy! Lips can be left nude and matte or slightly pink and shiny.
Eye shadow without eye shadow
For the very rare times you get caught off guard with no eye shadow to spare:
- Cover your eye lids with a thin layer of concealer
- Once this has completely dried, apply blush to your eyelid (this can even be done using your ordinary blush brush)
The smokey eye using pencil
- Apply eyeliner as normal
- Using a black eyeliner pencil, draw a thick circle on the index finger
- Using that finger, smudge the eyeliner on the eyelid, fading it out the farther away from your eye you go
Play around with this; different smudging techniques will create a different look.
Dry shampoo
This tutorial will also add volume to your hair. Simply replace dry shampoo with baby powder. Rub it onto the scalp and leave it there for a few minutes before brushing out. Ensure you only apply it to the scalp though to prevent it showing through your hair.
To keep hair cleaner for longer, try this tip which can be credited to the beautiful, Hungarian model, Barbara Palvin. Only wash your scalp with shampoo, not your hair, and only condition your hair, not your scalp! It not only leaves hair looking cleaner but also in a better condition!
Mascara without mascara
- Place a small amount of Paw Paw ointment or Vaseline between the index finger and thumb and rub together to remove any lumps.
- Using the thumb and index finger pull the eyelashes upwards, coating the eyelashes in the ointment, creating the appearance of clear mascara. Note: ensure you have already applied any other eye make up
Coloured lips without lipstick
- Apply a clear lip-gloss to the lips
- Using the finger, gently rub a pink coloured eye shadow or blush onto the lips
- If this is too dull, using the finger, not the lip-gloss brush, apply a small amount of clear lip-gloss over the top
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here at where I am a guest blogger!